Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Mother

Sad news my Mother passed away last Saturday. I am going to miss her very much! She is happy though, I know that because she is with my Father who passed away in 2001. She never really recovered from that. I have enjoyed helping to take care of her ever since then. She passed very peacefully. My children helped out at the funeral. Eve did a eulogy and it was very good. Michael talked on the Holy Spirit and how he can bring comfort to us who are still here. Also Michael, Bekah, Eve and Rachel sang "The Lord is my Shepherd". I enjoyed it very much and loved having all my children with me for a couple of days. I know Mother was there and was very proud of them too.


Rebecca said...

just a heads up diane, those first two comment might be virus. i would just delete them.

i called you the other night, i will try again soon.

Rebecca said...

I miss you!!!!

Rebecca said...

hey it's may, time for a update!
miss you.