I was looking on lds.org at the news. M. Russell Ballard told the graduating class at BYU Hawaii to use the Internet — including blogs and other forms of “new media” — to contribute to a national conversation about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
Apostle Urges Students to Use New Media
Then I read an article about Mormonism in the N.Y. Times titled,
What Is It About Mormonism?
So I had to comment to them about some problems with the article. Only a part of the problems that I had, anyway I am going to put my comments here for all to read.
As a Mormon I would like to comment on your Mormonism article. I am not a leader of the
Church but just a member and one of the strong believers. This was a pretty good article. There is of course much more to our religion that is faith based and a lot of what we do is what the Lord tells us to do because we believe in personal revelation in our lives. I can tell you that I have it in mine and the Lord guides and directs my life. Also one thing I would take difference to is that The Book of Mormon is not a version of the Bible. It is another testament of Jesus Christ but it is about an ancient people on the American continent who were also waiting for Christ and his teachings. Of course the teachings are the same, his teachings would be the same no matter who he taught them too. We read the Bible and teach from it as much as the Book of Mormon. I would read a Gideon Bible every day of the year! Especially since the Gideon Bible is a King James Version. That is the same as the Bible we study, in fact that is the Bible that we study. Our King James Version that we buy along with The Book of Mormon has been cross referenced to the KJV of the Bible and we study them together as witnesses of Jesus Christ. More explanation is at www.mormon.org. Our religion is not a secret! Our religion is not a mystery anymore because you can always now find a Mormon and ask him or her. I hope this will clarify my position.
Thank you,
Diane Graybeal
i watched your granny clip on google!! funny stuff.
just was thinking of you and wanted you to know.
love you!
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