I was looking at my last blog....can't believe it was Nov 08! I've wanted to write but just never when I was at the computer. Anyway these last days at the Temple are so weird. Yesterday was a record setting day of work there. Someone compared it to the 10 virgins parable. That is so true. There are so many people trying to do so much work it makes you think where have you been over the years? Of course a lot of them have been there a lot and they know they are going to miss going over the next year and a half. It is going to be hard to get to the other closest temples not just because they are far away (and they are) but also because they are already full of their own people and it's going to be hard for them to have extra room for all of us. Anyway there is such an air of desperation that I compare it to being prepared or maybe not being prepared. It really needs to be done little by little starting now rather than trying to do it all right before it's needed, whatever it is. Is that Procrastination? I need to do a study on that and see what I am putting off in my life! I really admire you people that blog a lot. I'm going to try to do better. That's if I have anything worth saying. I did have a great Easter this year and you can see my beautiful picture of ALL my kids if you go to my facebook! OK the next blog is going to be about my new grandbaby Jack and the birthday of my great grandbaby Damion!