I am here at Rachel's house watching Sarah and Erick while Eve and Rachel are shopping for paint. Eve gave an Ariel mural on Sarah's wall to her for her birthday. Also she is going to paint a mechanics garage scene on Thomas' wall. Anyway they are gone to get paint for those projects. Watch Eve's blog for the reports and pictures as it goes along. She posts way better than I do. The kids are doing pretty well, not fighting much and not destroying anything at the moment. I am just having to listen to every version of Beat It known to man. That is Sarah's all time favorite song! She mostly likes Michael Jackson's version. We'll see if I start beating stuff and we'll know what kind of influence the song has over people! I got Erick some orange jack o lantern crocs and Sarah some green ghost crocs. They are so cute, Sarah's are glow in the dark! I would take some pictures but I don't know how to get them from my phone to Rachel's computer. I'll take them anyhow and put them on here when I get home. This post makes me feel less guilty for not posting more often even if I don't have much to say!