Well this is a way to make me post! My book close by to me is "The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal" so here is the line. "Ahead of him was a rosy light spilling from a doorway." This must go with Eve's line. When you are working on being happy everyday, on your blessings, it is like being in a rosy light spilling from a doorway. Maybe I should explain what this is all about. Someone tagged Eve:
The rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages).
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog.
5. Tag 5 people.
You'll have to go to her blog to read what she wrote.
A link is on the right side of this blog.
OK Michael you are tagged. Also Rebecca Hemsley! Let's see what you guys can find.
I want to do a hair history like Bekah but I don't think I could take looking at so many pictures of myself. Especially since all the hair doos would be horrible. I might try when I can find time.
It is still spring here altho the flowers are gone (that makes it easier to breathe. But it is still cool outside (where is the global warming)? I will put a couple of pictures of our Azaelia bush (that I didn't know that was what it was till it bloomed), and our Dogwood tree (ditto). They were real pretty. I have a great story about the Dogwood blossom.
The Legend of the Dogwood.
The Dogwood, tall and strong as an oak, was used to make the cross upon which Jesus was crucified. The Dogwood was greatly distressed at its role, and sorrowful for His suffering. Sensing this, Jesus decreed that never again would the Dogwood grow large enough to be used as a cross. He said, "From this time on you shall be slim and twisted, and your blossoms shall be in the form of a cross. At the top of each petal there will be nail marks, rusty brown and red stained, and in the center of the bloom will be seen a crown of thorns, that all who behold the tree and it's flowers shall remember."
I surely don't know if this is true, but I was spell bound when I heard this as a child. The Dogwood blossom always reminds me of the Savior's sacrifice for me and that can't be bad.